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April Monthly Meeting

Date: Sunday April 23rd ,2017

Time: 10:00 am

Venue: Welcome Centre of Botanic Gardens of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain

This meeting will feature information on our Orchid Show - "Orchids! A Tribute to Mothers Part 3".

Information will be the Judging Schedule to be used for the show to ensure members enter their plants in the correct classes.

There will also be a Raffle. The prize is an Orchid. Will this month be your month to win it?

Don't forget to bring along your flowering orchids for the Monthly Show Table especially those new members to win your plant prizes.

Orchids! A Tribute to Mother's Part 3

This year our Annual Orchid Show is themed Orchids! A Tribute to Mother's Part 3, in keeping with the show being held over Mother's Day weekend.
The show chairman is Christopher Watson (753-5427) and co-chairperson is Judith Davis (299-7619). You are welcomed to contact them regarding any information about to show or if you will like to assist in any way possible.

The Show Committee comprises the following members: Anthony Navarro, Naeem Daniel, Dave Marcus, Angie Forde, Ronald Seucharan, Lynn Seucharan, Linda Deonath, Anthonio de Gannes, Jason Pierre, Stisha Hudlin, Helen Holley, Krsytal Harrylal, Gervais de Matas and Gopaul Chackan.

Tickets for the show will be available at the monthly meeting. We are kindly asking members to sell at least 5 tickets to ensure the success of the show.
Members are needed for different positions during the days of the show. Any member interested in volunteering can submit their names at the next monthly meeting.
Interested Vendors are kindly asked to come prepared to book and pay for their booths at this meeting.

Constitution Review
A couple members met to review the Constitution of the Society led by Sharon Laurent to ensure the rules of the society are aligned with being a registered organization. Further details will be brought to members as we make consultations with lawyers.

Barbados Orchid Show - "Orchids Masquerade"
Our Society was well represented at the Barbados Orchid Show by Robin Naipaul, Anthony Tang Kai and Gopaul Chackan. The picture on the right shows our display. We won 4 trophies, a silver certificate from the AOS for our display and an Award of Merit on a cut flower from Anis Baig. Unfortunately the trophies are challenge trophies so they will have to stay in Barbados.

We will like to thank all those members who contributed their beautiful and quality cut flowers for the display!

Further results will be announced at the next meeting.

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