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August 2010 Monthly Meeting

This month's meeting will be held on Sunday August 22nd 2010 at 10.00 am at the Sir Frank Stockdale Building at the U.W.I.

Directions to the venue: Members will enter the campus from the north entrance on Agostini Street parallel to the Bus Route. Stop at the security booth and advise the security guard that you are going to Sir Frank Stockdale Building. The security guard will give you further directions to get to the building.

This month's meeting will feature :

1. Video programme on Orchid Conservation in Manitoba, Canada.
2. Presentation of the TTOS Aripo Savannas Orchid conservation project. Presentation will be done by Dr Howard Nelson and Sharon Laurent.

There will be the usual monthly show table, so do bring along your flowerdianedianeing orchids.
A raffle of an orchid plant will be held.

Members wishing to vend will be accommodated

The Society extends its congratulations to the new executive

New Members.

We take pleasure in welcoming two new members to the Society

  • Richard Lee Kim
  • Anthony L. James
As members, you will now be constantly exposed to the world of orchids, learning about their culture, how to display and exhibit orchids and gaining in-depth knowledge by accessing reading material from our well stocked library.

Cultural Topic.

We are now in the rainy season when our plants are subjected to heavy rain downpours. Care must be taken to avoid the onset of plant diseases and attacks from pests. Routine inspections are required to detect trouble and to take corrective action. Plants should be well drained. Ensure growing media is in good condition and do not hesitate to repot if necessary. Some plants may need to be brought under cover to avoid crown rot and in some cases tissue and root rot. Insects are prevalent at this time so do look out for these harmful ones and take appropriate control measures

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