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August 2013 Monthly Meeting.

This meeting will be held on Sunday August 25th. 2013 at 10.00 am at the Horticultural Society of Trinidad & Tobago Headquarters on Lady Chancellor Road, Port of Spain.
It is customary for the first meeting of the new term that we engage the members in discussions to get their views and suggestions that will allow the Management to plan for implementation of activity during the year.
Monthly Plant Raffle

There will be a raffle of an Orchid Plant The price is two (2) chances for $5.00

Monthly Show Table

There will be the usual monthly show table so do bring along your flowering orchids for judging.

New Executive for the term of Office 2013/2014.

President: Anthony Tang Kai
Vice President: Robin Naipaul
Vice President: Anis Nail Baig
Treasurer: Gervais de Matas.
Secretary: Diane Huggins.
I.P.P.: Gopaul Chackan.

Committee Members:
Christopher Watson
Joan Hampton
Oral Roberts
Carlyle Mc Millan
John Tang Yew.

The Society extends its congratulations to the executive.


The Management and Members of the Society extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Routi Ali on her passing. She was a member of the Society at the time of her death.

New Members

We wish to welcome the following new members to the Trinidad & Tobago Orchid Society

Ryan Harrington of # 4 Mahabir's Drive, Pelican Extension Morvant.
Thelca Gibbs-Dick of 354 Malabar Phase 2 Arima.

As members you will now be exposed to the world of orchids, learning about their culture, how to display and exhibit orchids and gaining in-depth knowledge by accessing reading material from our well stocked library.

Annual Orchid Show 2013

The Society's Annual Orchid Show is carded for Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October 2013.
The venue is the National Academy of Performing Arts Frederick Street, Port of Spain.
The Show Chairperson for this Show is Joan Hampton.
The Management & Show Committee is pleased to advise that this year the show is sanctioned by the American Orchid Society and there will be AOS Judges to judge the exhibits. Members should start preparing their plants for the upcoming orchid show by grooming their plants for exhibiting

Assistance at the upcoming Show.

The Show chairperson is appealing to members to come forward to give their support and assistance at this show.
Members can contact Joan Hampton @ 745-8456 and Diane Huggins @ 632-8147


Persons who are not members of the Trinidad & Tobago Orchid Society and wish to vend at the show on October 5th and October 6th 2013 will be charged a different rate from the members of the society.

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