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August Monthly Meeting

Date: Sunday August 20th, 2017. Time: 10:00 am

Venue: Horticultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago building, Port of Spain

This month we will be having two dynamic presentations:

1. Greenhouse construction by Antonio de Gannes
2. Orchid Pest and Disease by Angie Ford. If you have any plants that are "sick" you can bring the diseased leaves in a SEALED clear plastic bag and pictures of the plant for us to diagnose.

The monthly raffle of an orchid is back. Will this month be your month to win it?

Don't forget to bring along your flowering orchids for the Monthly Show Table especially those new members to win your plant prizes.

T.T.O.S. Management Committee

Our AGM was held on July 23rd at the Horticultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago Headquarters. The following were elected to serve on the Management Committee for 2017/2018.

President: Anis Baig

Vice Presidents: Christopher Watson and Antonio de Gannes

Immediate Vice President: Anthony Tang Kai

Secretary: Judith Douglas Davis

Committee Members: Lynn Seucharan, Gopaul Chackan, Anthony Navarro, Dave Marcus and Charlene Garcia

The committee is awaiting on one of our members to fill the void of Treasurer for OUR Society. Please consider this position to assist OUR Society to continue to grow and prosper.

Prospective Schedule for Monthly Meetings for 2017

September - To Be Determined
October - North show at Trinidad Country Club. Proposed dates are 28th and 29th October
November - St. Xavier's School
December - Christmas Lunch

Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society Awards Judging Awards 2017

Dendrobium antannatum 'Gran Couva" AM / TTOS 82 pts. Owned by Helen Holley.

Awarded on May 12th, 2017.

161 flowers and 20 buds on 16 inflorescences. sepals cream, petals spiraled upright base cream chartreuse distally, lip cream striated fuchsia wings diffuse fuchsia, column cream, substance firm, texture waxy.

President's Message

I would like to thank the previous management committee for their year of service and support towards the Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society. Without your time and dedication the TTOS would be no longer. I also send special appreciation to Joan Hampton and Robin Naipaul for their many years of serving on the Management Committee as they did not want to be re-nominated this year. Thank you BOTH for all the time spent building and servicing the TTOS.

This new year in the TTOS I hope that more members will become active members and assist the society move forward. Please do not let the Management be responsible for everything. I urge you to become part of sub-committees for shows, for helping us find a home, setting out chairs or even helping with the catering for meetings. It is OUR society, let us all help it grow!

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