monthly meeting
August meeting will be held at 10.00 AM, Sunday, August 25, 2019 at Providence
Girls Secondary School, 146 Belmont Circular, Port of Spain
Parking on the Compound.
Enter Belmont Circular from northern end of Queen's Park East.
Look for TTOS sign at the Gate.
Please note at the Annual General Meeting held July 23, 2019, the following
Officers were elected:
President - Mr Gopaul Chackan
Vice Presidents - Mr Christopher Watson and Mr Anthony Tang Kai
Secretary - Mrs Sharon Laurent
The Post of Immediate Past President - Mr Anthony de Gannes
The AGM will reconvene at 10:00 AM to continue the election process
1) Nominations for the post of Treasurer
2) Three or more nominations for posts of Committee Members
All financial Members present at the meeting are eligible for nomination
and can vote.
The Monthly Meeting will begin immediately after the AGM is adjourned.
- Committee Decisions
-Presentation on Trinidad and Tobago Native Orchid Species Conservation,
Identification and Culture.
-Discussion with Members present on future meeting topics or activities.
-Update on October Show at Center Point Mall, Chaguanas. Vending spaces
will be available and can be booked with C. Watson. Volunteers either
for the Show Committee or activities on the Show Weekend will be greatly
appreciated, please contact Curtis Lutchman, Show Chair at the Meeting.
-Show Table
-Plant Raffle.