This month's meeting will be held on Sunday August 19th 2007 at 10.00 a.m. at the Horticultural Society Building on Lady Chancellor Road, Port-of-Spain. The meeting will feature the monthly show table, the raffle of a plant donated by Joan Hampton, updates of the upcoming orchid show to be held on October 6th and 7th at the Ambassador Hotel on Long Circular Road, St. James, and information on how to further prepare your plants for competing and exhibiting at the October show. As we have commenced
a New Year management would like to hear from members their suggestions and
questions pertaining to the management of the society and organizing of events
for the coming year. Student
Judges Program
Members interested in joining the Student Judge Program must submit a written application to the Secretary on or before September 15th 2007. Orchid Show October 2007 The upcoming Orchid Show will be held on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th October, 2007 at the Ambassador Hotel on Long Circular Road, St. James. The theme chosen for this show is 'Nature's Jewels'. Help is required for the many activities of the show and members can volunteer their assistance to the Show Chairman Mr. Robin Naipaul Tel. 640-1455. The show features the usual orchid competition and members should get prepared to enter their plants at the show and compete for the many prizes and awards available. There will be the usual vendor's booths. Members wishing to be vendors at this event should contact the Show Chairman to book early as space is limited.
2007 -2008 Management Committee President -
Paula Pantin - 622-3521 Committee Members Christopher
Watson - 622-9145 |
Copyright © 2003 TTOS - Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society. All rights reserved.