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August 2009 Monthly Meeting

This month’s meeting will be held on Sunday August 23rd 2009 at Dyanand Rajkumar (Phoenix Farms) on Mausica Road.
To get to Dr. Rajkumar Farm travel east on the Churchill Roosevelt highway until you come to the junction at Mausica Road. Turn right off the Churchill Roosevelt highway onto Mausica Road heading south and Phoenix Farms is approximately one (1) mile down that road. The venue is on the left hand side of the road.
Members are reminded that they will not be allowed to bring plants for sale at this venue.
Dr Rajkumar will make a presentation on orchid culture (pests & diseases).

Monthly Show Table

The meeting will feature the monthly show table, and plant raffle

TTOS Members Photography contest

All entries for the TTOS Photography contest must be from a digital original and submitted as a digital file (CD) and as an 8” x 10” print. The original photo must have been taken by a digital camera. The camera must be 8 MP (Mega pixels) and above.
All entries must be accompanied by an official entry form which may be downloaded from the TTOS website or obtained from a member of the Management Committee.
Entry form must be securely attached to the back of the photo.

Entries for the photography contest will be accepted up to September 15th 2009.

Entries will be returned to all participants.

Christopher Watson and Diane Huggins will collect entries in the north.
Gopaul Chackan and Stacey Williams will collect entries in the south.

Prizes will be awarded and photos displayed at the October Show.

Membership Dues.

At the annual General Meeting held on July 19th. 2009 a decision was made to increase the annual membership fees effective July 20th. 2009. The annual subscription has been increased to $125.00 for ordinary members and $240.00 for joint membership. New members will have to pay $125.00

New Members

We wish to welcome the following new members to the Trinidad & Tobago Orchid Society:
Sheshnarine Latchman, Ena Khan,Nekisha King and Mario & Ingrid Young. As members, you will now be constantly exposed to the world of orchids, learning about their culture, how to display and exhibit orchids and gaining in-depth knowledge by accessing reading material from our well stocked library.

Orchid Show October 2009

A special call goes out to all members to assist and contribute in making this show a great success, we also appeal to members to sell tickets for the Show.
Tickets can be had from Gervais de Matas or other members of the committee.
See the poster below.


TTOS 2009 Poster

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