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TTOS December 2007 Meeting

This month's meeting will be held on Sunday December 16th 2007 at 10.00 am at the Horticultural Society of Trinidad & Tobago Building, Lady Chancellor Road, Port-of-Spain.

This meeting promises to be very interesting with the highlights of this meeting being an Awards Ceremony in commemoration of the Society's Fiftieth Year (50th) Anniversary and to be followed by the serving of a sumptuous Christmas Lunch.

A ticket for this occasion is priced at $100.00 per person and is available from any member of the Management Committee. Seating placement at the venue is limited and therefore members must book early to secure their tickets. Kindly ensure that you book your tickets by Thursday December 13th 2007.

This meeting will feature the Monthly Plant Table; the distribution of Trophies won at the October 2007 Orchid Show, Presentation of Awards in commemoration of the 50th Year
Anniversary and the serving of a sumptuous Christmas Lunch.

As usual in keeping with the spirit of the season we are encouraging members to participate in an exchange of gifts, there will be the usual sale of plants by Members and those wishing to sell Christmas items can also do so.

An Awards Sub-Committee was appointed by Management to make recommendations for grant of awards to members. They have recommended awards in various categories to include Long Standing Membership, Service at Management Level, Service on Show Committees, Judging, Education and Training, Library Activities, Conservation and also awards to non-members and organizations. The President of the Republic and our Honorary Patron has been invited to participate in this ceremony.

Using TSP to prevent orchid virus spread

Soak tools in this solution to avoid transfer of virus from plant to plant on cutting tools.
TSP (trisodium phosphate)-- saturated solution-add solid to (warm) water while stirring until no more will dissolve and then a little bit more so there is always undissolved solid on the bottom of the container. It requires approximately 1½ pounds of TSP per gallon of water.
Remember to wear eye protection, gloves and water repellant apron when preparing and using these materials.
Soak cutting tools for 3 minutes before using again. Even better give them a brushing in the solution at the start of the "soak" Give workspaces 20 minutes of soak time

See you at the December Meeting. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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