2010 Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting will be a fun day at the Balandra
Beach House of Mrs. Savitri Mohammed "Sea Grapes" on Sunday
February 21st 2010. The house is located in Rampanalagas in Balandra on
the Toco Main Road approx. 18 ½ mile post, opposite the Community
Centre and Basketball Court. Approx. 1 mile from Balandra Bay you will
pass an open playing field.
"Sea Grapes" is the second house on the right after the playing
field, or (the sea side).
If still unable to locate the house, you can go to Arthur's Shop and ask
for Mahabir/Mohammed beach house. Telephone contact Caretaker Keith (Bholo)
332-0282 or Savitri 714-7681/365-0385.
of house
The property has a large Almond Tree and two (2) swings facing the roadside.
Members are required to bring along their lunch, water, ice and any other
refreshments they require.
Mrs. Mohammed also advised that there is a river nearby that has a pool,
and steps for access to the beach.
Do bring along your family and let us have a fun time.
Orchid Show 2010
The Spring Orchid Show will take place at the San Fernando
Technical Institute San Fernando, at a date to be advised.
The Chairman, for this show is Mr. Keshan Latchman, Co-Chairman is Mr.
Gopaul Chackan.
The Society is looking for volunteers for the Show Committee for the upcoming
Spring Orchid Show.
The Society has accepted the invitation of the Orchid
Circle of Grenada to set up an exhibit at their Biennial Orchid Show on
Saturday 27th February 2010 at the Grenada National Stadium.
We are requesting cut flowers to take to Grenada for the Trinidad &
Tobago Orchid Society's display. Members are also advised that they can
enter their cut flowers for judging at the show.
Members wishing to send flowers for the Society's display can contact
the organizing committee: Gopaul Chackan, Joan Hampton and Diane Huggins,
who will arrange to collect the flowers by Wednesday February 24th 2010.
Members wishing to go to Grenada should contact any member of the Management
Committee or Joan Hampton at (H) 665-5919 Cell 745-8456