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February 2013 monthly Meeting.
February monthly meeting will be a fun day in Balandra at the beach home of Mr. Hugh Clerk a member of the Society on Sunday February 24th 2013. Members are required to bring along their lunch, water, ice and any other refreshments they may require. Bring along your family and let us have a fun day.
Directions to the beach house:The house is located in Rampanalagas in Balandra on the Toco Main Road approx 23 mile post, you will come to a house with a sign on the gate "We reach" Mr. Clerk's house is located after that house, there is a sign on the gate stating "Penzance" turn into the driveway and you will arrive at the house.

Spring Orchid Show 2013
The Spring Orchid Show2013 will take place on Saturday May 18th and Sunday May 19th 2013. The venue for the show has not been finalized; however you will be informed of the venue in the March 2013 newsletter.
Mr. Anis Nail Baig is the chairperson of the Spring Orchid Show 2013
It is not too early to ask for volunteers for the Show Committee for this show. Members wishing to serve on the Show Committee can contact the Show Chairperson Anis Nail Baig @653-5961

Monthly Show Table
There will be no show table at the family day in Balandra.

The Management and Members of the Society extend our deepest sympathy to Janice Benjamin and her family on the death of Alvin Benjamin.

Barbados Orchid Society Orchid Show 2013.
The Society has received an invitation from the Barbados Orchid Society to participate in their bi-annual Orchid Show on the 16th and 17th of March 2013, the theme of their show is "Orchid Celebration" The show is being held under the auspices of the American Orchid Society with a panel of AOS judges to judge and award prizes.
The Trinidad & Tobago Orchid Society will be participating by doing a display at the show.
Members wishing to send cut flowers for the society's display and who are entering their flowers for judging are required to have these flowers at the HSTT headquarters on Wednesday March 13th 2013 by 10.00 am for inspection by Plant Quarantine and for packing.
Members can contact the following Committee Members for collection of flowers: Anis Nail Baig @ 653-5961 (South) Joan Hampton @ 665-9021 (Central) Anthony Tang Kai @676-8479 (North) Members are also requested to furnish a listing of the flowers that are to be entered for judging. (Print in bold letters name of the flower and name of the owner)
This listing is required by the Barbados Orchid Society show committee for registration of the flowers that will be entered for judging
The Society would like as many flowers as possible for the display, so do send your flowering orchids. We would like to have a grand display and at the same time capture some of the awards that will be awarded by the AOS Judges.
Members who would like to travel to Barbados for this event can contact Anthony Tang Kai @676-8479 for further information.

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