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February 2023

Meeting date: S unday, February 26 th TTOS Meeting

The meeting will be held at La Vega Estate at 10:00 AM.

Entry is from the Sir Solomon Highway on the Gran Couva road keeping left at the first Y junction to avoid road collapse. There are signs to La Vega. On arrival please go to the counter and advise staff you are a member of the TTOS.

The Treasurer Gervais de Matas will be distributing 2022/23 Membership cards and will advise if your dues are current or not. If not he will accept payment and prepare a Membership card. These cards can then be used to give you a 20% discount on purchases at La Vega after the meeting.

Please remember there will be no sale of members' plants as this is a commercial nursery.


  1. Presentation by La Vega on orchid culture.
  2. Presentation by President Gopaul Chackan on Grammatophylum culture.
  3. Discussion of plans for Mothers' Day Orchid Show and request for assistance staging Show. ( Please come prepared to volunteer )
  4. Presentation of the Show Table, do bring along your blooming orchids.


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