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Happy New Year

Dates to Remember:

January 16th. 2005, Monthly Meeting, Venue: The residence of Mrs. D. Kirpalani, Fairways, Maraval.

Features of the January Meeting.

  • Monthly Show Bench
  • A presentation on the Construction of Greenhouses by Antonio DeGannes
  • Species of the Month, Caularthron bicornutum presented by Carlyle McMillan.
  • Final Show Report
  • Details on the TTOS Logo competition.


February 20th. 2005, TTOS Annual Field Trip, Destination: Tobago

Tobago Adventure

This year's field trip will be an excursion to Tobago on the 20th. February 2005. Members will be treated to a scenic tour of Tobago which will terminate at Pigeon Point. Members have the option of traveling via plane or boat as well as having lunch provided. Please contact Tony Tang Kai, Paula Pantin or Alesha Robinson for more information. Package including airfare should be approximately $300. We must have a response by the end of January so that proper plans can be made.

March 11th.- 13th, HSTT Annual Flower Show " Search for Beauty", Venue: Queen's Park Savannah, Contact: Mr. Tony Tang Kai

Monthly Reminders

  • Monthly meetings will start promptly at 10 am.
  • All entries for the show bench must be completed by 9:30am.

Management Meetings:

February: The residence of Gopaul Chackan
March: The residence of Christopher Watson.

Species of the month:
Diacrium (Caularthron) bicornutum
Diacrium (Caularthron) bicornutum {click image for high resolution version}.

Commonly called the "Virgin Orchid" this is one of our finest native orchids. Growing in clusters of elongate spindle shaped pseudo bulbs narrowed at their bases and possessing a few rigid leathery leaves towards the apices. These pseudo bulbs are hollow and usually at their bases a hole is present through which colonies of fierce large biting ants access the interior where they nest.

The erect flower spikes are often more than three feet tall and blooms can number approximately twenty. These are always fragrant, waxy and long lived, often pure ivory-white, two inches plus in diameter. The sepals are sometimes tinged with pink-lavender on the reverse sides. The lip morphology resembles a statue of the Madonna, hence the local name "Virgin Orchid".

Most common habitat is the coastal regions of the north-west peninsula, north and east coasts, on trees and quite often on rocks. It also grows in the forests adjacent to and south of the central range.

Diacrium or Caularthron as it now correctly named has been used to produce many fine hybrids especially with the laelianae, numbering approximately eighty.

Note these hybrids: Dial Snowflake (x L albida), Diaca Trinidad (x C. Portia),

Dialps Tobago (x Lps domingensis), Diab Alice Hart (x Bro sanguinea),

Epdcm Bico Moyo (x Epi moyobambe).


The Management Committee wishes to you, yours and of course your orchids, the very best for the year 2005.

We already have many exciting events planned for the first part of the New Year. We start of in February with our annual field trip- the long awaited visit to Tobago. Scheduled for 20th. February 2005 we look forward to your support to make this outing a success.

The month of May promises more adventure as the TTOS will host for the first time, their Spring Show. No longer a ‘mini’ Show but a full Show, the event will be held in South Trinidad. Our Show Chairperson will be Mrs. Percil Nock- Boyce and she can be contacted at 665-1476.

On a different note, the society welcomes some new members. They are: Karry Latchman, Rashid Baksh, Thalia Martin, Gweneth Moore, Daina Pierre, Ursula De Freitas and Debbie Jo-Anne James-Joseph.

Unfortunately as we gain members, so to do we lose some. We regret the passing of longstanding member of the society, Mr. John Oyoung. We extend or deepest sympathies to his family and friends.

Book Corner

The Librarian, Mr. Christopher Watson is pleased to announce that we have 3 new books in our library. They are:
"Orchid Basics"
"Orchids- A Care Manual"
"A Gardener's Directory of Orchids"

You may borrow these books at the next monthly meeting.

Members who have outstanding books are asked kindly to return them at the next meeting so that in turn, others may have the opportunity to read them.


What a wonderful way to keep the wonderful blooms alive from the October Show! Alicia Tom has compiled an album of photos taken at the October Show. This album will be available for viewing at the January meeting. Should members want, prints are available.

The Management Committee is hoping to update its databases. To this end we are asking you to contact the secretary, Alesha Robinson by phone, (640-2071) or at the next meeting with the following information:
Current Mailing Address
Telephone contact
E-mail Address.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the upcoming meetings.

Best Wishes
Management Committee.

Internet resources, www.

Yes, people, it is as easy as that. If you have a computer an access to the internet you can browse the web and follow your passion.

Enter the busy & dynamic world of orchids- go to AOS forums/ discussions, check out nurseries and their latest hybrids, apply for their catalogues, identify species & how to grow them. Thousands of pictures that will literally blow your mind.

Just use your search engine, Google to locate different orchid sites.

Our favourites include for forums/ discussions .

For species sites check

And for nurseries,

There are lots more there. Just take your time and peruse to your delight.

Revision of the list of Committee Members for 2004/2005

  • President John Tang Yew, 868 637 5513,
  • Vice Presidents Paula Pantin (868-622-3521) and Gopaul Chackan (868-657-5682)
  • Secretary Alesha Robinson, 868 640 2071
  • Treasurer James Razack, 868 663 2935
  • I.P.P. Carlyle McMillan, 868 638 1207

    Committee members
  • Tony Tang Kai, 868-676-8479
  • Alvin Benjamin, 868-653-1169
  • Oral Roberts, 868-637-3464
  • Christopher Watson, 868-622-9145
  • Antonio De Gannes, 868-663-1723


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