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etings and Best Wishes for 2008
The President together with Management wishes to thank all our members for their support during the past year 2007 and now extend greetings and best wishes for a bright and prosperous New Year 2008 to each member and their family. We look forward to your participation in supporting all our endeavors as we steer the Society in a proactive manner in achieving our goals for this year.

January 2008 Monthly Meeting
This month's meeting will be held on Sunday January 20th 2008 at 10.00 a.m. at the residence of Mrs. Divya Kirpalani, 30 Pinehurst Avenue, Faiways, Maraval. This meeting will feature the usual show bench; topical discussions on orchids, sale of plants, the usual raffle of a plant prize kindly donated by Mr. Gerard Ramsingh and of course your involvement in making the Society a vibrant one serving the needs of its members.
At this meeting Members who are interested in going on the February 2008 Day out should inform the President or any other member of Management.

February 2008 Monthly Meeting
This month the Society will be having its meeting as an All Day Out beginning at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday February 17th 2008. We will be spending the day at Kerry Latchman's family Beach House at Los Iros. Members from the north will are asked to assemble at Grand Bazaar for 8.00 a.m. from where we will proceed as a convoy. Members from central and south will assemble at the Golconda Exit of the Solomon Hochoy Highway for 8.30 a.m. The house is on the beach front. Members are asked to bring their picnic baskets. There will be facilities for doing barbeque so you can do your own cooking if you wish. We will consider the use of Maxi Taxi transport for members if there is sufficient interest. We look forward to an enjoyable day out at the beach.

New Members
We wish to welcome two persons to membership in the Society:-
Ms. Joyce Riley of Aston Drive in Belmont.
Ms Juliet Noel of Santa Margarita, St. Augustine.

At the December meeting Mrs Z. Hassanali, wife of a former President of Trinidad and Tobago and 3 TTOS members were made Honorary Members of the Society.
From left Dr Eugene Laurent, Sharon Laurent, Mrs Z. Hassanali and Alexander Gibson.

hon members

In November 2007 Society Member Keshan Latchman was awarded a Certificate of Participation in a training course on the Certificate of Environmental Clearance Review Process by COPE.
From left -Sterling Belgrove, Chairman, Small Grants Steering Committee of the SGP/GEF/UNDP presents the Certificate to Keshan

Training Cert

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