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Greetings and Best Wishes 2015

The President together with the Management Committee extends its greetings to all members and their families "Best Wishes for a bright and prosperous New Year 2015."
We also wish to thank all our members for their support during the past year 2014 and look forward to your continued participation in supporting all our endeavors as we continue in the coming year to make the Society a most vibrant one

January 2015 Monthly Meeting

This meeting will be held on Sunday January 18th 2015 at the Caroni Bird Sanctuary Wildlife Centre at 10.00 am.
T o get to this venue, you turn off the Uriah Butler Highway onto the Caroni Flyover exit and proceed west onto the road leading to the Caroni Swamp and visitors centre.
Members travelling southbound on the highway will proceed west onto the flyover, while those travelling northbound will exit west directly onto the road leading to the venue

Monthly Show Table

There will be the usual monthly show table so do bring along your flowering orchids for judging.

Cultural Topic

There will be a discussion and a demonstration on the growing of Dendrobiums and Vandas.

New Members.

The Society takes pleasure in welcoming Felicia Thomas to the Society

Library Corner.

At the beginning of each year the Management encourages new members and existing members to utilize the facilities of the library in getting to know the world of orchids.
Please ensure the safe keeping of the books you borrow and avoid delinquency.

Annual Orchid Show 2014

Curtis Lutchman will give a report on the Annual Orchid Show which was held on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th October 2014.


The Barbados Orchid Society is hosting their bi-annual Orchid Show on 28th and 29th March 2015.This Show is being held under the auspices of the American Orchid Society.
The Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society will be participating by doing a display at this show. Further information will be forthcoming to members.

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