ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held on Sunday July 18th 2010 at the Horticultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago Building on Lady Chancellor Road Port of Spain at 10.00 am.
1. Reading
and confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of
July 19th2009 OTHER BUSINESS PROPOSAL: RE-AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SOCIETY Under Article 8 Finance> section (d) Existing Clause: Proposed Amendment: The Financial Year of the Society shall run from May 1st. to April 30th of the following year. The meeting will also
include the Monthly Show Table and distribution of plant prizes won over
the period August 2009 to July 2010. Please be reminded that only Financial Members can participate in the Election of officers. Members are reminded to renew their membership with the Treasurer Gervais de Matas before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Yours Truly Diane Huggins. |
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