2013 Monthly Meeting.
The June monthly meeting will be held on Sunday June 23rd.2013 at 10.00
am at the La Vega Estate Garden Centre in Gran Couva located in Central
To get there you turn off the Couva Flyover on the Solomon Hochoy Highway
heading east. Travel along this main road continuing in an easterly direction
into Gran Couva. You will notice directional signs posted at the side
of the road leading to the estate.
The entrance to the estate is off the left side of the Gran Couva main
road and the estate is about one (1) mile inside.
This month's meeting will be a fun day so do bring out your family and
enjoy the beautiful landscaped outdoor surroundings of the La Vega Estate.
The following activities can be enjoyed on the estate:
> biking, >lake fishing,>trail walking,>meditation,>sports
and outdoor relaxation. This visit is a wonderful opportunity to view
the La Vega Estate sales area which displays a wide variety of plants
from which you can choose. We are certain that you will find plants to
add to your collection.
Members are not allowed to bring plants for sale at this venue.
Plant Raffle
There will be a raffle of a wrought iron wall plant hanger and the price
is $5.00 a chance.
Show Table
There will be the usual monthly show table so do bring along your flowering
orchids for judging.
of Membership Dues for 2013/2014
Members are reminded that the Treasurer Mr. Gervais de Matas is now receiving
members renewal subscriptions for 2013/2014. Payments can be made by cheque
payable to TTOS and sent to the society's mailbox P.O.box 1128 Port of
Spain, as well as payment at this month's monthly meeting on June 23rd
2013 at La Vega Estate.
All dues must be paid by July 1st 2013 well prior to the AGM.
The Treasurer will not be accepting subscriptions on the day of the AGM.
Only members who are financial for the year 2013/2014 will be allowed
to vote at the AGM.
General Meeting 2013
The Annual General Meeting and monthly meeting of the Society will be
held on Sunday July 14th.2013 at 10.00am at the Horticultural Society
Headquarters on Lady Chancellor Road, Port of Spain.
Advance procedures for AGM:
Listing of financial members will be on a sheet at the door with an assigned
number. The ballot paper will have the corresponding number and this ballot
will allow the member to vote.
.A separate notice will be sent out in due course.
We wish to welcome the following new members to the Trinidad & Tobago
Orchid Society:
- Indira Bajnath of 125 Union Village, Claxton Bay.
- Harry Dowlat of 51 Bay View Avenue, Grove Park, Dow Village, South
- Lisa Hosein-Mohammed of 6A Centeno Trace, Pluck Road, San Francique..
- Lynda Burns of Room 102 PLC Petrotrin, Point-A-Pierre.
Teak posts @ $10.00 per foot can be obtained from Dr. Pidduck of North
West Veterinary Clinic, 59 Mucurapo Road, St. James, Telephone 622-3356.
July 1st,. members who have not paid their subscriptions for the year
2013/ 2014 will have to pay $20.00 at monthly meetings, commencing at
the AGM in July 2013. Members guests will also have to pay $20.00.