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What's New: June

The TTOS Monthly Meeting will be held at 10 AM on Sunday June 30, 2024 at St Xavier's Private School, St Joseph.

Due to limited availability of the venue the Meeting will be held on Sunday 30 th rather than earlier in the month. The Meeting will be held in the AV Room.

The Agenda for the June Meeting.

  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Decisions of Management Committee
  3. Distribution of Ribbons won at the Barbados Show
  4. A slide presentation by Anis Baig of his attendance at the World Orchid Conference and Show in Taiwan.

Show Table.

Directions to St Xavier's - turn off the Eastern Main Road at Abercromby Street, St Joseph, proceed to to second turn on the right next to park, turn right and follow road to school yard.

A special thanks to all TTOS Members who participated in the Mother's Day Orchid Show. The President's Cup was awarded to the best flowering orchid plant – Brassocattleya Mary Dodson owned by Mr Tyab Ali. See photo

Brassocattleya Mary Dodson

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