This month's meeting will be held on Sunday June 22nd 2008 at 10.00 a.m.
at the La Vega Estate Garden Centre in Gran Couva located in Central Trinidad.
To get there you turn off the Couva Flyover on the Solomon Hochoy Highway
heading east. Travel along this main road continuing in an easterly direction
into Gran Couva. You will notice directional signs posted at the side
of the road leading to the estate. The entrance to the estate clearly
marked and is on the left side of the Gran Couva main road .
This month's meeting will be the Annual Family Day so do bring out the
whole family and enjoy the beautiful landscaped outdoor surroundings of
the La Vega Estate. Activities that can be enjoyed on the estate are biking,
lake fishing, trail walking, meditation, sports and outdoor relaxation.
Of course this visit is a wonderful opportunity to view the La Vega Estate
sales area which displays a wide variety of plants from which you can
choose. We are certain that you will find plants to add to your collection.
Members are not allowed to bring plants for sale at this venue.
The meeting will feature the monthly show table; there will also be presentation
by the La Vega Estate on plant culture and a brief follow up on the recently
held Orchid Show in San Fernando Technical Institute.
The Spring April 2008 Orchid Show
The Show Treasurer Mr. Gervais de Matas requests that members with outstanding
moneys and accounts for this show settle these matters with him to finalize
the accounts. He expects members to do so for the latest at the June 2008
monthly meeting.
Renewal 2008/2009
A gentle reminder to members that the Treasurer Mr. James Razack is now
receiving subscriptions for membership renewal for the 2008/2009 year.
Payment can be made by cheque sent to our mailbox as well by payment at
the June 2008 monthly meeting. Please note that the Annual General Meeting
of the Society will be held in July 2008 and all subscriptions must be
paid by July 1st 2008 well prior to the AGM. The Treasurer will not be
receiving subscription on the day of the AGM. Only members who are financial
will be allowed to vote at the AGM.
We wish to welcome one (1) new member to our Society
Ms Zalaika Clever of Courland Estate, Black Rock, Tobago.
The plants offered
for sale at the May 2008 meeting at the home of Mr. Alexander Gibson were
donated by the Ambassador for Thailand who requested the Society to facilitate
the sale of these plants to its members and remit the proceeds to the
Cancer Society. We thank the Thai Ambassador for allowing our members
the opportunity to purchase these mature plants.
The Annual General
Meeting and monthly meeting will be held in July 2008. Tentative dates
for this meeting will be either on Sunday 20th or Sunday 27th July 2008
at the Horticultural Society Building on Lady Chancellor Road, Port-of-Spain.
This is because we are making provisions for completion of audited accounts
and availability of the venue. A separate notice will be sent to you in
due course.
The October 2008 show
committee will be jointly chaired by Mr. Alvin Benjamin and Dianne Huggins
and they are now seeking to form the show committee from among our members.
Any member interested in joining this committee should contact the Secretary
as early as possible. You can also contact the Show Chairpersons at the
June 2008 meeting at La Vega where they propose to have their first committee
meeting This committee will be finalized shortly as the period leading
up to the show is fast approaching. All plans are being made for a successful