March Monthly Meeting This meeting
will be held on Sunday March 20th 2016 at the St. Xavier's Primary School
in St. Joseph @ 10.00 am. Monthly Show Table. There will be the monthly Show table so bring along your flowering orchids for judging. Monthly Plant Raffle There will be a raffle of an Orchid Plant, the price is $5.00 for one (1) chance. Presentation of Trophies Outstanding trophies will be presented at this month's monthly meeting. Presentation of 2013 Accounts At the monthly meeting, the Treasurer will resume presentation of accounts for the AGM 2013 Cultural Notes. Caribbean Chemicals
will be sending one of their representatives to speak on diseases /pests. Trinidad & Tobago Data Base. The Society would like to change the format of the data base. A committee will be formulated after this month's monthly meeting to propose the intended change. Members are invited to contribute pictures of native species. New Members The Society takes
pleasure in welcoming the following to the Society: Show Diamond Jubilee (60) Years Confirmation
was received for the use of the San Fernando Technical Institute for the
hosting of the South Orchid Diamond Jubilee Show. |
Copyright © 2003 TTOS - Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society. All rights reserved.