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May 2011 Monthly Meeting

This meeting will be held on Sunday May 22nd 2011 at 10.00 am at the Horticultural Society of Trinidad & Tobago Building, Lady Chancellor Road Port of Spain.

Monthly Show Table

There will be the usual monthly show table so do bring along your flowering orchids for judging.

Monthly Plant Raffle

There will be a raffle of an Orchid plant. The price is two (2) chances for $5.00

Spring Orchid Show 2011

The President Gopaul Chackan and the Chairpersons Kerry Latchman and Sharon Ramjit-Mohammed will give a report on the recently concluded Spring Orchid Show which was held on April 30th and May 1st. 2011 at the San Fernando Technical Institute in San Fernando.

Finalizing The Spring Orchid Show April/ May 2011 Accounts.
The Show Treasurer Gervais de Matas request that all members with outstanding money's for show tickets settle these matters with him in order for the accounts to be finalized.

Cultural Tips

Now that the Spring Orchid Show is over, members who exhibited plants at the show should inspect their plants for any bruises or infection arising from mechanical damage and take precautionary action to ensure their plants remain healthy. Treat damaged plant parts with a fungicide or dust with cinnamon powder to prevent onset or spread of infection. Also, application of fertilizer to boost the plants and an insecticide as a precaution to get rid of any pests present should be done.
To all our members this is a good opportunity also to attend to plants requiring dividing and repotting as necessary in preparation for future monthly show tables and activities.
Attend to sprucing up plant labels and updating your orchid inventory records and where you have plants without identification this can be attended to by networking with other members at monthly meetings to assist with identification. The rainy season is due shortly and it is necessary to inspect all orchid plants so ensure the potting media are in good condition, otherwise take the wise step and repot now rather than risk the loss of the root system. Happy growing.


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