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TTOS Members Photography Competition 2012

A new competition for this year 2012 has been launched. Click on this link to view the Rules and Entry Form. The Entry form may be printed for your use.

Extraordinary General Meeting.

The Management Committee has been mandated to call an Extraordinary General Meeting according to the TTOS Constitution Article 7 Section 3 -Extraordinary General Meeting
This meeting will be held on Sunday, June 3rd , 2012 at 10.00 am at the headquarters of the Horticultural Society of Trinidad & Tobago, Lady Chancellor Road, Port of Spain.

Business to be transacted.

The only business to be transacted at this meeting is to inform members present of the following:
(1) Increase in expenditure incurred at the 2011 South Show against the expenditure of the 2010 show.
(2) Breakdown of all expenses and list of service providers for the 2011 South Show by the show Chairperson Mrs. Sharon Ramjit-Mohammed and Co-Chairperson Mr. Kerry Latchman.
No business other than that of which notice has been given shall be brought forward at such meeting.


South Orchid Show 2012

The Society's South Orchid Show will be held at the San Fernando Technical Institute in San Fernando on Saturday May12th and Sunday May 13th 2012 from 9.00am to 6.30 pm on both days, theme for this year's South Orchid Show "ORCHIDS! A TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS" The Co-Chairpersons for this show is Mr. Curtis Lutchman and Mr. Anis Nail Baig
.Members are encouraged to participate and give their full support to the show.
There will be a prominent well designed single entry display area to display exhibits from individual members and other exhibitors who are not putting up their own display; this will afford a great opportunity to complete for some of the prizes.
Every member is therefore encouraged to exhibit their flowering orchid plants and flowers at this show.
Sister Societies, Environmental Organizations and the Ministry of Agriculture will also be staging exhibits. There will be many vendors selling orchid plants and horticultural supplies.

Entries for Judging.

An entry desk will be set up at the show hall to receive entries of orchid plants and cut flowers on Thursday May 10th 2012 from 1.00pm to, try and bring in your exhibits by 9.00 pm. An exception will be allowed for floral arrangements and corsages to be received up to 9.00 am on the morning of Friday May 11th 2012. All judges and student judges are requested to be at the show hall on Thursday May 10th 2012 from 1.00 pm to 9.00 pm to assist with the entries of plants for judging. The entry classification system to be used for this show will be based on the monthly show table format.

Judging of orchid plants and flowers.

Judging of exhibits will be done on Friday May 11th 2012 at 9.00 am.
All judges and student judges are to be in attendance for the judging.

Gala Opening/Cocktail Party

The formal opening of this year's show "ORCHIDS! A TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS" will take place on Friday May 11th 2012 at 6.00 pm at the show hall of the San Fernando Technical Institute at the Southern end of the Solomon Hochoy Highway in Tarouba, San Fernando. This gala opening cost $75.00 per person and affords those in attendance to preview the show in an exclusive setting prior to the show opening to the public. Tickets can be obtained from Gopaul Chackan - 657-5682, Diane Huggins- 632-8147


Tea will be served on both days of the show at the cost of $30.00
A brunch will be served on Sunday morning May 13th 2012 at the cost of $45.00.
The Society wishes all members to take tickets to sell in order that we have a truly successful South Show 2012. You can call any member from the Management Committee to obtain tickets.

TTOS Show Flyer 2012

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