May Meeting
Jubilee (60) Years Orchid Show May 2016
The Society's Diamond Jubilee (60) Years Orchid Show will take place on
Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd May 2016 at the San Fernando Technical Institute
in San Fernando.
The Show will be open to the public from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm on both days.
The Show is sanctioned by the American Orchid Society and there will be
AOS Judges to judge the exhibits. The theme for the Show is "A Diamond
Celebration of Orchids "
of plants.
/entries will be received on Thursday May 19th 2016 from 1:00 pm to 9.00
The Registration team would like all entries to be received as early as
Members entering their plants for the Show must ensure that their plants
are properly labeled and the writing must be in Block Letters. Any plant
without a label will not be entered for judging but can be entered for
display only.
Please note you are also required to prepare a legible list of the plants
you are entering. This list should be grouped according to genus e.g.Cattleya,
Dendrobium, Vanda etc.
The American Orchid Society Judges along with the Trinidad & Tobago
Orchid Society Judges will commence judging on Friday May 20th 2016 at
8.30 am. During the judging, only the relevant personnel will be allowed
in the hall, that is the AOS Judges , TTOS Judges, student Judges and
Prizes will also be awarded for flower arrangements in the following categories:
" Orchid Arrangements.
" Orchid & local grown cut flowers.
" Orchid & imported cut flowers.
" Corsages.
Entry and Tickets
Advance tickets for the Show are priced at $25.00 while at the door is
$30.00. Members are requested to take advance tickets to sell. Only financial
members who display their badges 2015/2016 will be admitted free of charge
to the Show.
Sale May 2016 Diamond Jubilee (60) Years Show.
There will
be vendors selling plants at the Show; the only plants that
will not be offered for sale are the locally collected species.
Her Excellency
Mrs. Reema Carmona has graciously consented to officially open the show
May 20th 2016 at 6.30 pm at the Show Hall of the San Fernando Technical
Institute in San Fernando. The official opening of the Show will be followed
by a cocktail reception and a viewing of the exhibits. Cost of tickets
for the opening and gala are priced at $150.00 each and can be obtained
from members of the Management Committee. The dress code for this event
is elegantly casual.
The Show Committee advised that they will be some vendors offering plants
for sale at the evening of the opening.
Show Chairperson:
Anthony Tang Kai
Vending: Christopher Watson &Curtis Lutchman.
Secretary/Hospitality: Diane Huggins.
Box Office: Diane Huggins & Joan Hampton.
Advertising/ Publicity: Jassodra Sooklal, Robin Naipaul
Judging /Registration: Gopaul Chackan & Student Judges.
A.O.S. Judges: Anthony Tang Kai
Treasurer: Gervais de Matas.
Information Booth: Golly Sirju