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May 2008 Monthly Meeting
The May meeting will be held at 10.00 am on Sunday 25th May 2008 at the residence of Mr. Alexander Gibson, No. 3 Quarry Road, off Akal Trace in Santa Cruz. There will be the monthly Show Table, discussions on Orchid culture, identification and treatment of orchid pests and diseases, a preliminary report on the Spring Orchid Show held recently at the San Fernando Technical Institute and the Monthly Plant Raffle. Members wishing to sell plants at this monthly meeting must seek permission to do so from the host.

June 2008 Monthly Meeting
This month's meeting will be held outdoors at 10.00 am on Sunday June 22nd 2008 at the beautiful La Vega Estate in Gran Couva. So keep this date booked in your calendar as this visit promises to be interesting and exciting.

Spring April 2008 Orchid Show
The Show Treasurer, Mr. Gervais de Matas requests that members with moneys and accounts outstanding for this show should settle these matters with him no later than end of May 2008 in order for the accounts to be finalized. He expect members to settle these matters at the May 2008 monthly meeting.

Subscription Renewal 2008/2009
The Treasurer, Mr. James Razack is now receiving subscription for membership renewal for the 2008/2009 year. Payment can be made by cheque sent to our mailbox as well by payment at the May 2008 monthly meeting. Please note that the Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held in July 2008 and all subscriptions must be paid prior to the AGM. The Treasurer will not be receiving subscription on the day of the AGM. Only members who are financial will be allowed to vote at the AGM.

Nominations of Officers for 2008/2009.
In accordance with our constitution, nominations from members for the Posts of President and two vice Presidents must be forwarded to the Secretary by May 31st 2008. Kindly therefore submit nominations of the members of your choice for the above mentioned management positions in writing, by post to P.O. Box 1128, Port of Spain or e-mail ( by the closing date May 31st 2008.

Our sympathies go out to Member Mr. Robert Franco and family upon the death of his father and to the family of member Mr. Neal Mookram who passed away just days before our April 2008 orchid show. Mr. Mookram was a long standing member. He showed much interest in our shows and frequently handled the construction portfolio, exhibited at our meetings and shows and he requested that his funeral collection be donated to the Society.

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