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November 2011 Monthly Meeting

The monthly meeting will be held on Sunday November 20th 2011 at the home of Sharon Ramjit-Mohammed at 10.00am. Directions to the venue: Members coming from the north will take the Freeport turnoff. Turn right, go under the flyover , pass in front the Freeport Police Station, continue to St. Mary's junction traffic lights (gas station in the front and Church on the left). Turn left . You are now on the Southern Main Road, drive for five (5) minutes, you will pass the Ship Building and Rudranath Capildeo Learning Resource Centre (LRC) , to the next traffic light.(At this light there is a large sign Infinity Electrical & Plumbing).Turn left.
You are now facing east, proceed for one mile (4 minutes). Pass the S corner until you see a large red white and green house on the left, followed by a pink flat house, opposite the flats is the street (Verdant Vale Avenue) Sharon's house is the cream and blue # 11.
Members coming from the South: Take the Freeport turnoff, turn left to pass in front of the Police Station and continue as above. If you are having difficulties call 685-6087 or 763-1776

Monthly Show Table
There will be the monthly show table so do bring along your flowering orchids for judging.

Monthly Plant Raffle
There will be a raffle of an Orchid plant. The price is two (2) chances for $5.00.

Annual Orchid Show 2011
.The just concluded Society's 54th Annual Orchid Show which took place on the 8th and 9th of October 2011 at the National Academy of Performing Arts "Hotel Lobby" was a huge success. Fourteen (14) awards were given by the AOS Judges. Ten awards were given to The Trinidad & Tobago Orchid Society and four (4) awards were given to the Barbados Orchid Society. The AOS Trophy for the Best Display was awarded to Curtis Lutchman.

Finalizing the October Orchid Show

2011 Accounts
The Treasurer Gervais de Matas requests that all members with outstanding moneys for show tickets settle these matters with him, in order for the show accounts to be finalized.

December Meeting -- Christmas Lunch 2011
The Society's annual Christmas luncheon will take place on Sunday December 11th 2011at the Caroni Bird Sanctuary Wildlife Centre at 10.00 am
To get to this venue you turn off the Uriah Butler Highway onto the Caroni Flyover exit and proceed west onto the road leading to the Caroni Swamp and visitors centre
The lunch promises to have all the trimmings of the traditional Christmas menu. The cost per Christmas Lunch ticket is $120.00 per person for members as well as guests, drinks will be provided.
Tickets will be available at the November monthly meeting at the residence of Sharon Ramjit-Mohammed and afterwards by the Committee Members. The Committee would welcome donations of ginger beer, Ponche de Crème and sorrel; these can be brought to the venue on the day of the luncheon
The early start of 10.00 am is to allow judging of the show table before lunch is served at 12.00 noon.

Seasons Greetings.
On behalf of the President Mr. Gopaul Chackan and the Management Committee we take this opportunity to wish all our members and their families a Merry Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year 2012

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