The November 2006 Monthly Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 26th 2006 at 10.00 a.m. at the Horticultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago (HSTT) Hall on Lady Chancellor Road, Port-of-Spain. There will be the usual show bench, a presentation and discussion on an orchid genera, sale of plants, a plant prize raffle. Your presence and involvement is necessary to make the Society a vibrant one serving the needs of its members.
The 2006 Christmas Meeting will be held on Sunday December 17th 2006 at 10.00 a.m. at the HSTT Hall on Lady Chancellor Road, Port-of-Spain. This meeting will take the form of our usual Year End Brunch. It is organized for your enjoyment and to bring closure to the year 2006 in the best of spirits with the exchange of good wishes among our members. There will be a show bench, sale of plants, a plant prize raffle, sale of Christmas items and gifts, an exchange of gifts among members in keeping with the seasonal tradition and distribution of plant prizes and medals. Tickets for the Brunch are priced at Members-$85.00 and Guests of Members $95.00 and are available from the members of the management committee. Please book your tickets early. New
Members Ms Indrani Ramtahal
of Point Plaisance Park, Cunupia. Fiftieth
(50th) Anniversary 50th Anniversary Show Highlights September 30 and October 1, 2006 were busy days as the Society welcomed over 2500 visitors to the 50th Anniversary Show. There were 7 AOS awards given to flowering orchids from Trinidad and Barbados as well as the AOS Show Trophy for Best Exhibit which was won by the Barbados Orchid Society Exhibit. Over 23 individual displays including ones from Grenada, Venezuela, and Jamaica and sister Societies as well as a large single plant entry grouping and corsage and arrangement competitions greeted the visitors. Below are several
of the flowers that won AOS Awards and the best local species. Ascocenda Emma
‘Isaac’ HCC - 79 pts. (V. Miss Joaquim
x Ascda. Royal Sapphire) Mr.& Mrs. Michael
Birkett 1 Vandastylis Ocean
Storm ‘Gunhilde’ HCC - 79 pts. (Van. Thailand x
V. tessellata) Mr. David Leach Trichocentrum
Haematochilum ‘Curtis Revival Fire’ AM - 84 pts. ((Trt. lanceanum x Trt. undulatum) Mr. Curtis Lutchman Also best local oncidium Best Trinidad
and Tobago Species (other than oncidium) in Show Catasetum barbatum
owned by Oral Roberts
Copyright © 2003 TTOS - Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society. All rights reserved.