VENUE: The Paramount
Building, Sunday, November 21st at 10. AM, (OWTU)
San Fernando.
More information will be provided as soon as available.
The TTOS Annual
Show was very successfull with many exhibits including those of visitors from
Venezuela, Barbados, Jamaica and the USA.
of the October Show included 6 American Orchid Society Awards and the Award
of the AOS Show Trophy, see below.
Awards TTOS Show October 1, 2004
- Ascda Louis
Hatos “Not Hatos' Cross” HCC/AOS 78 pts Martin Motes.
Vanda Erika
Cizek Dann “Look Homeward Angel ” HCC/AOS 79 pts. Martin Motes.
Kagawara Boon
Rubb “Joan Hampton” AM/AOS 80 pts Joan Hampton.
Dark Star “Darth Vader” AM 80 Arthur Chin Fatt.
roseo-album “Curtis’s revival” (CHM/AOS) 82 pending identification
Curtis Lutchman
kelleriana “Colleen Hopkinson” CHM 82 pending identification
Carlyle McMillan.