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November Monthly Meeting Notice.

This month’s meeting will be held on Sunday November 16th. 2008 at 10.00 am at the Caroni Swamp Visitors Wildlife Centre. To get to this venue you turn off the Uriah Butler Highway onto the Caroni Flyover exit and proceed west onto the road leading to the Caroni Swamp and the Visitors Centre. Members traveling southbound on the highway will proceed west onto the flyover, while those traveling northbound will exit west directly onto the road leading to the venue. There will be the monthly show table.

The results of prizes won at the annual Orchid show "ORCHIDS TO COLOUR YOUR LIFE" Will be announced to members at this meeting. The Show Chairman Alvin Benjamin on behalf of the Show Committee will also give an up-date on the just concluded show.

Photos of the Show winners are below.

December 2008 Monthly Meeting
This month’s meeting will be held on Sunday December 7th 2008 at the new Asa Wright Patio in Asa Wright Nature Centre. Meeting will be from 11.00 am to 2.00pm.

Luncheon----A Taste of Asa. Menu includes two (2) meats and fish, selection of starches, salads, & vegetables, and dessert. Cost per person is $200.00, drinks will be on sale. Show table will be held as usual.

Members wishing to attend should contact Diane Huggins at the November meeting, and the following thereafter from Sharon Laurent, Stacey Williams, and Gervais de Matas. Tickets must be purchased by November 30th and payment must be received when tickets are collected. There will be a door prize of a flowering orchid plant.

The Asa Wright Nature Center will include a free after lunch tour for TTOS members, but we must indicate how many persons are interested.

The President and members of the Management Committee wish to thank the following members for their donations of native species Orchids to the Point a Pierre Wild Fowl Trust on Sunday September 21st. 2008: The Seucharans, T Martin ,K. Maharaj, Joan. Hampton ,O&.D Ramdass, G.De Matas,Carol Tom, Phurbass Ramsaran, Jennifer Naimath, Mrs Mohammed, Surmitra Ramdass, Phyllis Elbourne,Leela Ali, Mr. & Mrs Ellies, and Joyce Ramsaran.

In all thirty nine (39) species were placed on trees in the Wild Fowl Trust. Photos of the activity are below.

Our sympathies go out to Stacy Williams and family on the death of her grandmother. Also to Joan Hampton and family on the death of her sister-in-law.

We take pleasure in welcoming two new members to our society:
Phoebe Schipp of St. Augustine and
Pamela Ramsawak-Thorne of St. James.


Best in Show Brassidium hybrid.



Catasetum barbatum      Catasetum Mem Vera McMillan      Galeopetalum Giant
Best local species          Best locally bred hybrid            Best any other hybrid

Wildfowl Trust Meeting Photos Courtesy Lyn Seecharan and Alicia Tom.

Welcoming committee

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