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October 2015 Monthly Meeting.

This monthly meeting will be held on Sunday October 18th 2015 at 10.00 am at the Ambassador Hotel, 99A Long Circular Road, St. James. This meeting will be held at the same venue as the up-coming Orchid Show in October 2015

Monthly Show Table
There will be the usual monthly show table so do bring along your flowering orchids to be judged

Monthly Plant Raffle
There will be a raffle of an orchid plant. The cost for a chance in the raffle is $5.00

Cultural Topic
Topic for the October monthly meeting will be given by Mr. Alexander Gibson.

October Orchid Show 2015

The venue for this year's Orchid Show which will be held on Saturday October 31st and Sunday November 1st 2015 is the Ambassador Hotel, 99A Long Circular Road, St. James.

The theme for this year's Show is "ORCHIDS- CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER"

The Show committee comprises of the members of the Management Committee and we encourage all members to support the Show, by exhibiting their plants and blooms.

Registration - Orchid Show 2015

Registration of plants will take place on Thursday 29th October 2015 from 9.00am to 6.00pm.Members are advised to bring their plants as early as possible.
Members entering plants for the Show must ensure that their plants are properly labeled and the writing must be in Block Letters. Any plant without a label will not be entered for judging but can be entered for "display only". Please note you are also required to prepare a legible list of the plants you are entering to include the plant name. This list should be grouped according to genus eg Cattleya, Dendrobium, Vanda etc, as this makes it easier for the judges to identify the plants.


The Orchid Society Judges will commence judging on Friday30th October 2015 at 9.00 am. During the judging, only the relevant personnel will be allowed in the Hall which includes judges, student judges, and clerks

Show Entry and Tickets

Members are requested to take advance show entry tickets to sell which are priced at $25.00 while entry at the door is $30.00.

Plant Sale October Show 2015

There will be vendors selling orchid plants at the Show.
A reminder that no locally collected species are to be offered at any TTOS Show for sale.

Assistance at the upcoming Show

The Show Committee is appealing to members to come forward to give their support and assistance at the door on both days at the Show, as there are a number of areas that require assistance. Members can contact Joan Hampton @665-9021 and Diane Huggins @ 632-8147


The Society wishes to inform members that listed hereunder, are the executive members for the term 20/15/2016:

President - Anis Nail Baig
V.P. - Robin Naipaul
Treasurer- Gervais de Matas.
Secretary - Diane Huggins.
IPP - Anthony Tang Kai
Committee Members
Gopaul Chackan
Christopher Watson.
Joan Hampton.
Curtis Lutchman.


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