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Monthly Meeting Notice for October 2005

Orchid Show 2005 - 'A FESTIVAL OF BLOOMS'

The Orchid Show 2005 will be held on October 1st and 2nd October, 2005 at the Ambassador Hotel, Long Circular Road, St. James. A Help Desk will be set up at the August and September monthly meetings to provide information about the show, to distribute tickets and advertising material and to organize with members who are willing to assist at the show. Entry tickets are priced at $25.00 and members are asked to pre-sell as many tickets in order to make the show a success.
The Show Committee will host Trini Fiesta on the evening of the Show on Saturday 1st October, 2005 at the Cadet Force Grounds Long Circular Road, St James. This event will feature live entertainment , buffet dinner, bar and ices. This event is a social evening for members and foreign and local guests. Tickets are priced at $75.00 for adults and $45.00 for children under 12.
Members are encouraged to participate in the show. Those who are exhibiting are asked to plan bring along as much as possible of their foliage plant fill as there will be limited availability of this item. Moss will be on sale

Leochilus scriptus
Sub tribe Oncidinae

This species is relatively uncommon, it is found mainly in Northern Range Valleys, but also adjacent to the Central Range. It is found in cocoa and coffee plantations and resembles some Oncidium Species. This is a twig epiphyte, short lived in nature. Inflorescences are often branched. Flowers range in colour from green to greenish yellow with a variety of brownish purple spots, Size approximately 1.5 to 2cm wide.

Catasetum Royal Splendor 'Aunt Ellie' AM TTOS

At the Annual General Meeting the Judges of the TTOS awarded an Award of Merit to Catasetum Royal Splendor ' Aunt Ellie' owned by Carlyle McMillan

New Management
The new Management Committee installed at the July, 2005 A.G.M. has set itself an agenda for the coming year, quite apart from the routine activities such as providing member support, educating members in the field of Orchids, staging Exhibitions, Shows and Displays, participating in conservation activities and seeking to establish a home. Management encourages your support in all its endeavours in building a strong and vibrant Society.

New Members
Cesar B. Sadaya - Rodney Road, Lange Park, Chaguanas
Jennifer Ramdeen Doon and Capildeo Doon - Montague Avenue, Trincity
Ellison Joseph - Battoo Avenue, Marabella
Shafdar Sayeed Ali - Diamond village, San-Fernando
Jinsey Sampath - Latchoos Road, Penal
Samdaye Raagoobar Marajh - Evans Street, Curepe
Ronald Samuel and Audra Ramsook Samuel - Phillipine
Leela Ali - Calcutta Road, Freeport

Members who are in possession of Trophies won at last year's show must return these trophies, cleaned and polished, to the Secretary by no later than August 21st, 2005. This is required in preparation for the award of trophies at this year's show.

On behalf of the Society we extend our sympathies to:-
Mrs. Vilma Moonan, long standing member, and family on the passing away of her husband Mr Motilal Moonan.
The Carew family and friends on the passing of Mr Charles Carew.

Library Corner
Our Librarian will be present at monthly meetings in his corner, and members are requested to return all overdue books. New members please note that the facility of the Library is available to all members and we encourage you to utilize its services rated as one of the best Orchid Libraries in the Caribbean.


The TTOS is in search of a logo. All entries must be submitted in hard or soft copy by June 2005 to Carlyle McMillan. The logo should incorporate the papilio & the year the Society was established. A prize of $300 worth of orchids will be given to the winner. All submissions will become the property of the TTOS. Contact Alesha Robinson for further information.

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