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September 2011 Monthly Meeting

This meeting will be held on Sunday September 18th 2011 at the Horticultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago headquarters on Lady Chancellor Road, Port of Spain. At 10.00 am

Monthly Show Table

There will be the monthly show table so do bring along your flowering orchids for judging.

Monthly Plant Raffle

There will be a raffle of an Orchid plant. The price is two (2) chances for $5.00.

Annual Orchid Show 2011
The Society's 54th Annual Orchid Show will take place on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th October 2011 at the National Academy of Performing Arts "Hotel Lobby" Frederick Street, Port of Spain. The Show will be opened to the public from 9.00am to 6.30pm on both days.

Show Committee.

Show Chairperson: Joan Hampton
Treasurer: Gervais de Matas
Vending: Christopher Watson, Curtis Lutchman.
Secretary/Hospitality: Diane Huggins, Carol & Alicia Tom.
Design/Set: Anthony Tang Kai, Curtis Lutchman.
Advertising/Publicity: Yvonne Cave, Kerry Latchman, Darrin Ramoutar, Sharon Ranjit-Mohammed.
Judging /Registration: Gopaul Chackan, Alvin Benjamin, student judges
A.O.S.Judges: Anthony Tang Kai.
Information Booth: Golly Sirju, Savitri Mohammed.
Brochure: Sandy Gibson, Carlyle Mc Millan, Glen Inglesberth
Sale of Tickets (door): Alicia Tom.

Show Theme

The theme for the Society's 54th show this year is "ORCHIDS IN ALL THEIR GLORY"
This year the Show is sanctioned by the American Orchid Society and there will be A.O.S. Judges to judge the exhibits. All members are requested to support the Show by displaying and exhibiting their plants and blooms. Members are advised to inform the Show designer the size of space that is required; there will also be round tables with skirting which will be placed in the hall for members to display single entries plants and blooms.
The Show will also be catering for the following exhibits:
(1) Orchid arrangements,
(2) Orchid & local flower arrangements, (3) local flower arrangements and corsages.


We will be using the full Schedule Classification for this Show.
Entries for the Show will be received on Thursday October 6th 2011 from 9.00am to 5.00pm. Because of the time schedule for the show set up we would like all entries to be received before 5.00pm
Members entering plants for the Show must ensure that their plants are properly labeled and the writing must be in Block Letters this is to ensure that the officers at the registration desk will be able to identify the plant; any plant without a label will not be entered for judging but can be used for display only.
Please note you are also required to prepare a legible list of the plants you are entering to include the plant name and where practical, the parentage.
This list should be grouped according to genus e.g.Cattleya, Dendrobium, Vanda etc.This will allow for easy and quick registration and also for you to keep your own record of the plants you have entered. All plants will be required to be brought to the registration desk for verification to ensure entry in accordance with the Show Schedule and to avoid errors of registration that could lead to invalidation of entries for judging. Plants without a name can be entered into the Show for display purposes only and will not be judged.

American Orchid Society (AOS) judging at this Show Orchids in all their Glory will be chaired by Robert Fuchs of West Palm Beach Florida Region of the American Orchid Society.
Judging will commence on Friday 7th October 2011 at 8.30 am
Alongside the AOS Judges, the Show will also be judged by TTOS Judges..

Show Entry and Tickets

Members are requested to take advance Show entry tickets to sell which are priced at $25.00, while entry at the door is $30.00.
These tickets can be obtained from the Treasurer or members of the Management Committee. The Show Committee is appealing to all members to sell as many tickets in order to make this Show a success.

Assistance at the Show

Assistance is required for the sale of tickets at the door for both days. Volunteers can give their names to Alicia Tom @ 633-4195
Volunteers for the Information booth for both days can contact Gully Sirju @ 657-5682.
We are appealing to the male members of the Society that your assistance is required in the vendor's area. Volunteers can contact Christopher Watson or Curtis Lutchman.

Vending October 2011 Show

Members wishing to vend at this Show can contact Christopher Watson @ (h) 622-9145 (cell) 753-5427 Curtis Lutchman (h) 675-0956 (cell) 768-9577.
The requirement for vending at the Show is the setting up of a display in the Show Hall..

Gala Opening.

The Show is under the Patronage of the President Professor George Maxwell Richards and Mrs. Jean Ramjohn-Richards who will open the Show with a Gala Opening Ceremony on Friday 7th October at 5.00pm.
Tickets for this event are priced at $100.00 each. The event will give patrons first view of the Show in a wonderful setting while being served with select food and refreshments; this will be a truly entertaining evening.The dress code for the event is elegantly casual. The Management Committee and Show Committee are appealing to all members to sell tickets for this event.

Tea Tickets

Tea tickets will be on sale on both days of the Show priced at $30.00

Other Participants

The Show will feature participants by Orchid enthusiasts from our sister societies in the Caribbean and Venezuela, The Ministry of Agriculture, Presidents House, and Environmental non-government Organizations.


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